Updating Results

BDO New Zealand

  • #4 in Accounting & advisory
  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Diversity at BDO New Zealand

8.0 rating for Diversity, based on 24 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
Everyone here is equal and most definitely treated that way, maternity leave policies have been upgraded which is great for those affected
Graduate, Christchurch
Company recognizes all different communities
Graduate, Christchurch
welcoming work environment
Graduate, Christchurch
I feel very respect and as an equal as a woman in the workplace. There are some different minorities represented in the company
Graduate, Christchurch
All equal
Graduate, Christchurch
Increasing diversity among drafting staff, needs more of a focus and push, low diversity in higher-up positions (e.g. less female, POC, Maori, etc. partners and associates)
Graduate, Christchurch
BDO is committed to working well for everybody making it a friendly place to work.
Graduate, Auckland
I do not have much of an opinion on this as I believe the best person should be hired for a role regardless of their ethnicity, orientation, sex, gender, etc. However, I do believe that BDO has a wide range of employees and strives to keep them happy and included.
Graduate, Auckland
People of all diversity's work here
Graduate, Auckland
There is a diverse range of people that work in our office and we celebrate a range of cultural events
Graduate, Auckland
Love it!
Graduate, Auckland
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?