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KPMG New Zealand

  • #1 in Accounting & advisory
  • > 100,000 employees

Corporate Social Responsibility at KPMG New Zealand

7.8 rating for Corporate Social Responsibility, based on 20 reviews
What projects/initiatives does your employer run and what have you worked on personally?
We get a day paid leave to use for volunteering efforts and plenty of these initiatives are promoted throughout the year. There are a lot of company wide social 'challenges' focused around CSR and much work is put to familiarise us with CSR.
Graduate, Auckland
Volunteering day given to all staff, We have been to low decile schools and cleaned up their grounds and replanted their streams.
Graduate, Auckland
I'm not too sure about this one
Graduate, Wellington
we are encouraged to do volunteering (we are given a paid day off to volunteer), also grad camp gave as an opportunity to help out a school
Graduate, AKL
Volunteer day once a year, Xmas present for underprivileged kids etc....
Graduate, Wellington
They have a few pro bono projects and very giving to the community
Graduate, Auckland
Volunteering days and helping with partner schools. Christmas gifts from "Santa" to kids who may not get anything at Christmas
Graduate, Auckland
Each year we have a volunteer day where each employee must volunteer a day of their life's to helping the community. KPMG is also the sponsor of a few low decile schools around the Auckland region.
Intern, Auckland
Unsure beyond KAN - Accessibility Committee.
Graduate, Auckland