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KPMG New Zealand

  • #1 in Accounting & advisory
  • > 100,000 employees

Management at KPMG New Zealand

8.0 rating for Management, based on 21 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
In general my managers have been great and always willing to help you understand a problem instead of just fixing it for you. In some larger jobs I do not have ready access to managers but senior team members tend to fulfil this role.
Graduate, Auckland
Most of the managers are very easy to chat to and sort out any issues. They are approachable and helpful.
Graduate, Wellington
Easily accessible
Graduate, Auckland
I get along extremely well with my managers and mentors and consider them all as friends. They go out of their way to make sure I am always learning and receiving the support I require to progress.
Graduate, Auckland
Managers are kind and friendly, easy to talk to, some managers could provide more feedback on work
Graduate, Auckland
They are all pretty accessible and helpful
Graduate, Wellington
my PM is wonderful, and all other managers I've worked with were wonderful and kind as well.
Graduate, AKL
My PM is very interactive and a great mentor, would recommend him to any new grad starting.
Graduate, Wellington
Very satisfied with my managers, they are very good mentors and often always available.
Graduate, Auckalnd
Management is very good and relatable to all members of the team
Graduate, Auckland
Yes the managers in my team are great and easy to communicate with. Providing feedback is also really good
Graduate, Auckland
Very accessible, very good mentors.
Graduate, Auckland
I feel that I am quite unsatisfied with my managers, they are quite good mentors but lack in communicating back with us about why things are why they are and there is rarely ever any praise or recognition for constant hard work that is being done.
Intern, Auckland
Good mentors and good communication. Consistent praise and opportunities for development identified.
Graduate, Auckland