Updating Results

Ryman Healthcare

  • #1 in Health
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at Ryman Healthcare

8.2 rating for Working Hours, based on 6 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Extremely flexible, one of the best things about the company. I am able to finish early on certain days to run errands/ go to social events as long as I make up the hours I miss during other days of the week.
Graduate, Melbourne
Very flexible! My manager is very accommodating
Graduate, Christchurch
Flexibility is great and now with COVID there is a lot more working from home which is great as we can keep ourselves safe and still produce high quality work. Hours are also flexible with appointments etc.
Graduate, Christchurch
With EOFY approaching I have been putting in lots of extra time, particularly with our retirement village open day so during busy periods you are expected to work what is required of the role at that given time. I have enjoyed flexible working from home arrangements having worked 3 days in the office and 2 at home towards the end of 2021.
Graduate, Melbourne
I work most days in the office and a couple of days at home. It's great to have the choice and flexibility.
Graduate, Christchurch