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Duncan Cotterill

  • #1 in Law
  • 100 - 500 employees

Culture at Duncan Cotterill

8.5 rating for Culture, based on 11 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
It is good, the work events are appropriate and there are lots that arent centred around alcohol. The social club provides lots of entertainment and treats during office hours which helps morale. The culture at work is good, expectations are realistic, most partners/senior associates are happy to help out or have a chat
Graduate, Christchurch
Very friendly among peers at same level. Lots of social sport etc.
Midlevel, Christchurch
Everyone is friendly, willing to assist in your learning, and realistic about your abilities as a graduate. All the Partners and Seniors are approachable - the hierarchy of position doesn't impact the way I am treated around the office. We often socialise outside of work hours and genuinely enjoy each other's company!
Graduate, Wellington
The culture at DC is outstanding. During working hours, the office is professional and work to a very high standard. That said, everyone knows how to have fun and release a bit of banter. The team is very supportive and encouraging to junior lawyers. The socialising amongst the firm also brings a nice culture to the workplace, as everyone is friendly and easygoing.
Graduate, Auckland
The culture at DC is great. The people are fantastic to work with, everybody is very welcoming when you first arrive which makes you become settled in very quickly.
Graduate, Christchurch
The culture in the office is very vibrant. There isn't a strong sense of hierarchy at all, and I feel very lucky to be a part of such a fun office where I've made great friends.
Graduate, Wellington
The culture in the Auckland litigation team is awesome. Everyone is empathetic and kind to each other.
Graduate, Auckland
My team has a great culture. And the firm has been trying but COVID has made this quite difficult understandably.The firm would benefit from some planned events and more interaction once we are able.
Graduate, Christchurch
Within the firm there is different cultures within different teams. I find in my team that the culture is very good both in the office and after hours. The management and senior staff are friendly and always willing to help and support you. If you are working to get something done and there is a deadline, my co workers will help me so i can get it done on time. If I don't know the answer, a colleague will help me to figure it out. After hours there is a good social opportunities. I find the senior staff and my partners very approachable. I do know this is not the case in all areas of the office and with all senior staff and I have had some experience with other partners or senior staff where this is not the case and they are not approachable and can be quite negative towards you and expect a lot from you.
Graduate, Christchurch
Within my team the culture is really good - we have a mix of levels but everyone gets along really well and we all help one another out. It is a very collaborative environment. We also enjoy socialising with each other outside of the office.
Graduate, Christchurch