Updating Results

Eagle Technology

  • #4 in Technology
  • 100 - 500 employees

Corporate Social Responsibility at Eagle Technology

7.6 rating for Corporate Social Responsibility, based on 11 reviews
What projects/initiatives does your employer run and what have you worked on personally?
I'm not fully across how the company works with these initiatives but they appear to be doing well. More than anything management is supportive and I think a lot comes down to a good, supportive, and understanding culture.
Midlevel, Wellington
I might be still new in the comapny, so I haven't heard much on CSR within the organisation just yet. It could be added into the ongoing new framework for employees later this month
Graduate, Wellington
Each year Eagle donates to places like the Wellington City Mission. The Wellington office participates in the Round the Bays Fun run which is a charity event.
Graduate, Wellington
Seems to be quite engaging with and initiatives\projects I haven't worked on any in particular myself.
Intern, Wellington
This is somewhat a matter of opinion. Given the nature of the industry there is a lot of good in terms of emergency management, search and rescue, government planning, which is used for the better. We also are likely to have a hand in supporting industries that are traditionally not as socially responsible though there is also an argument to be made that our involvement actually provides the tools to make those industries more responsible which is better than not working with these industries at all.
Graduate, Wellington
Eagle has a strong focus on sustainability/ ecology by supporting not-for-profit organizations with licensing and advice.
Graduate, Christchurch
Council charity funding
Intern, Wellington