Updating Results


  • #9 in Technology
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Salary at MYOB

7.9 rating for Salary, based on 15 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Outside of sales, there isn’t bonus. Salary is aligned to Aon market rates. (but could always be more!) - we have progress and promotions which allows pay rises to be considered outside of pay cycles reviews (3-4 times a year - in technology only)
Experienced, Sydney
Certainly adequate, pretty par course from my understanding of graduate roles. definitely good value considering the flexibility afforded (not expected to work ridiculous hours)
Graduate, Melbourne
I think my pay reflects my skill level currently.
Graduate, Melbourne
Not familiar to me yet so can't comment.
Graduate, Auckland
Pay could be more competitive relative to the market
Graduate, Melbourne
We dont get a bonus and the pay is pretty much what I think others get in a graduate position.
Graduate, Melbourne
A little disappointed. There are no bonuses and compared to other companies we aren't paid as well. Also the only time our pay will go up is if we get a permanent role in the company but then even the pay bump isn't that much.
Graduate, Melbourne
The company does not pay the highest rate in the industry but it is ok for me as other benefits/consideration compensate for this.
Graduate, Melbourne
Pay is good, considering I am only expected to learn
Graduate, Sydney
yearly REM to keep up with inflation and additional opportunity for pay rises.
Graduate, Melbourne
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
We partner with Flare benefits, have fully paid memenership to Smiling Mind App, and local perks depending on locations (
Experienced, Sydney
A $400 work from home payment to set up an ergonomic home office/workspace
Graduate, Melbourne
They have good partnerships where we get employee benefits.
Graduate, Melbourne
Discounts at an array of different places such as PBTech or Apple.
Graduate, Auckland
At the moment there aren't any perks except for the occasional free food in the office - a lot of things have been cut because of money reasons.
Graduate, Melbourne
Discounts at many retailers
Midlevel, Melbourne
Free education.
Graduate, Melbourne
Discount via Flare
Graduate, Sydney
Good range of perks available. Superannuation scheme in addition to KiwiSaver. Health insurance. Retail discounts.
Graduate, Auckland
Flare perks. A central location where we have discounts across a variety of things like movies, shopping, clothing, office chairs ect. Cash bonus to set up your home work setup. Best perk is the flexperience. Being able to negotiate your hours and whether you work best in a home or office environment.
Graduate, Melbourne