Updating Results

BCD Group

  • #11 in Engineering consulting
  • 100 - 500 employees

Training & Personal Development at BCD Group

6.9 rating for Training, based on 13 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
Regular Tuesday focus meetings with Tryphina are really good. Bridgette and Tryphina are always showing me how to do things and explaining things fully so I have obtained a diverse range of knowledge from them.
Graduate, Hamilton
most of my training is learnt on hand on working on jobs where i do it myself and if I get stuck I can get help and the people around are always open to help out where they can.
Graduate, Hamilton
I did an online NDM training course, and also started to learn and use new software like slide2, though the job i was given for that was quite a complicated one.
Graduate, Tauranga
The training is all on the job. I feel this good be improved. My coworkers work hard and have to take time to teach others this may be a strain on them to do so.
Graduate, Hamilton
Everyday i learn new things on the job, it is up to me to put the research in when i take on a new project to find the right products/solution for the job. Sometimes we go out to site and it is a great opportunity to learn about structures/ processes and others in the industry. I havent done any formal training yet apart from study but we are doing a training half day on the 23/02.
Graduate, Hamilton
We normally have on job training.
Graduate, Hamilton
Training for the internal software we use is very good
Graduate, Hamilton
The training and development as I've been in the role has been good however I believe inital training could be worked on to understand hierarchy and what is expected within the role and how does promotion and career progression work internally
Graduate, Tauranga
On the job training usually revolves around replicating how the other employees write down their reports, following templates, following instructions laid out on Onenote.
Graduate, Hamilton
Working on various projects would be core method of training
Graduate, Tauranga