Updating Results

Vista Group

  • #5 in Technology
  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Diversity at Vista Group

9.1 rating for Diversity, based on 11 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
Diversity is celebrated at Vista, with many initiatives and presentations run to give representation to different groups.
Graduate, Auckland
It is a pretty diverse company! There are LGBT weeks, international women day and culture events.
Graduate, Auckland
from what I've seen the company puts a lot of work into hiring a diverse range of people
Graduate, Auckland
company is very diverse and open to all diversities
Graduate, Auckland
Company in general seems to have a diverse group, but only one out of 15 Grads this year is a female. Not sure if there were less female applicants to start with.
The company hosted events for international women's day, and have LGBT employee to give speeches about it.
Graduate, Auckland
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
I am not too sure about that, but I guess as long as you apply the hr will always consider you.
Graduate, Auckland
Nothing, but as someone from a Decile 3 highschool they definitely don't discriminate in that regard.
Graduate, Auckland
During CV screening, focus more on the experiences, less about the academic background.
Graduate, Auckland