Updating Results

Vista Group

  • #5 in Technology
  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Management at Vista Group

9.5 rating for Management, based on 11 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Managers are easily accessible and always open to a chat or willing to help.
Graduate, Auckland
Yes, my managers are really nice while super busy everyday. But they will always respond to my messages when they have time. They are also happy to hear anything about feedback or enquiries.
Graduate, Auckland
I can contact them anytime, and able to raise any questions to them. My performance feedbacks are also done by managers. However, I am not mentored by them directly.
Graduate, Auckland
Naz and Mack are amazing at their jobs and I feel very lucky to have such a competent, kind managers
Graduate, Auckland
they are really easy to go to and easy to ask anything to
Graduate, Auckland
Very approachable and kind, manager/team lead holds regular catch-ups to check in.
Absolutely, the managers have been in our position before and are extremely understanding.
Graduate, Auckland
My managers are quite approachable. They encourage me to share my ideas.
Graduate, Auckland
Good. Easy to communicate with.
Graduate, Auckland
They are friendly and approachable. Haven't had any negative interactions eyt.
Graduate, Auckland